Confidence-boosting Affirmations for Creative Writers 

Confidence-boosting Affirmations for Creative Writers 

As a creative writer, I’m prone to pitfalls, doubts, and anxiety about writing. I’ll start questioning what I’m writing in the moment, and tempt myself to just stop and start over. But even if it’s not publishable or something that you particularly even like when you’re through, it’s NEVER a waste of time to write. Yep, I can say that with 100% certainty. Because every time you write, you’re committing to yourself, putting in the effort, and learning more about how your mind works.

Even though I know that , I still catch myself going full editor-mode while I’m writing first drafts. And, to be honest, it sucks the fun out of writing when you’re trying to follow a thought AND appease the inner-editor in your brain. So, what do we do? Gently invite the editor to go grab a cup of tea and play Animal Crossing while the creativity is flowing. 

Not sure you can stop judging yourself for sentence fragments, jumbled paragraphs, and weird metaphors? Here are some affirmations/mantras to help you change the way you see writing, and stop perfecting in the creative moment.

*I get the most out of affirmations by putting them in my phone as daily reminders.

Let’s see what I come up with today.

I listen to what comes to me.

There could be something amazing in here.

Art is messy sometimes.

Now is the time to write and explore all the possibilities. 

Everything can be edited later.

I hope these help. Put them in your phone and commit to saying them (and believe that it’s true!) for at least three weeks. That’s an arbitrary number, but one day isn’t going to cut it. :)

