Posts tagged instagram
Why You Shouldn't Aim To Be An Influencer

I’ve been sitting on this draft for over a month, but I haven’t been willing to hit “publish.” Why?

Because, I guess, everyone wants to be an influencer. And who am I to tell them what not to do? I’m the type of person who does not do well when told what to do. I know better than to pretend I have any sway over how people live their lives. That’s because I’m emphatically NOT an influencer.

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How To Write For Instagram

I’ve been working as a social media marketer for a while now, and I’ve always had great growth and engagement for my clients. Even when Facebook became more of a pay-to-play platform, I got great organic results when some of my peers were struggling to explain poor performance to their clients when I was agency-based. I think most of the time I was getting great results wasn’t because I got lucky with great clients. It was because I was paying attention to who I was writing for, and I dialed in to an authentic voice.

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