These are first drafts: expressions of pure unfiltered getting-words-on-the-page. 

During a particularly stressful time in my life, I decided to refocus on creative writing. Almost every morning before heading in to work, I went to a coffee shop nearby and wrote whatever I wanted. I didn’t plan, didn’t judge myself for what I was writing, or even edit (okay, maybe fixed a misspelled word here or there. #spellingnerd).

Some pieces I remember vividly, and others seem written by someone else. No idea how they got to me.

But I noticed how I handled frustrations and last-minute surprises: much better. Calmer. Writing every morning gave me a way to start my day how I wanted to, plus it gave me something to accomplish that was completely in my control. Looking back, I’m surprised at what I created beside my local-so-kinda-pricey cup of morning coffee. And in just an hour or less before I shut my laptop and climbed the stairs to my marketing job.

These are sprints. I call them “Cafe Clearing,” because it felt like clearing out the brain clutter.

I hope they give a glimpse into the work of another creative; before the thought of tightening, trimming, or perfecting even starts to materialize.

Stop stressing. Just play.
